How will the JT Framework be operationalized at the project level?
Implementing the JT Framework occurs in two stages: (i) the assessment stage and (ii) the intervention stage. The assessment stage involves identifying and analyzing the multiple impacts from a given energy transition project, as well as developing actions to manage those impacts. The assessment stage is only conducted at the project level, but multiple project-level assessments can be aggregated to understand the cumulative impacts of energy transition activities at a national and subnational level.
The intervention stage occurs at the project level as well as the national and subnational level. At the project level, the intervention stage requires consolidating the actions identified during the assessment into a plan and carrying out that plan over the project lifetime. At the national and subnational level, the intervention stage can take on various forms ranging from introduction of new policies to the expansion of government programs that relate to the Just Transition.
Further explanations on the operationalization of the JT Framework, including its challenges, can be found in Chapter 6 in the CIPP.