Monitoring and evaluation are critical to ensure effective implementation of the JT Framework. At the project level, developers and lenders will conduct monitoring and evaluation of their JT interventions, with performance monitored regularly in accordance with relevant legal agreements, the lenders’ requirements, or GIIP (Good International Industry Practice). The approach to monitoring and evaluation for a specific project will be highly contextual and depend on the location, stakeholders involved, and type of activities.

Reporting, including the choice of indicators, will respond to the risks and issues identified as most important or impactful during the JT Framework Assessment, refined as the project proceeds. It is expected that this monitoring be informed completely with the JETP Secretariat on a regular schedule for the purposes of meta-monitoring.

Responsibility for reporting will also depend on the stakeholders involved: for projects funded by international finance institutions (IFIs), we expect the IFI to inform the Secretariat, while for GFANZ member-funded projects, GFANZ themselves will provide the associated information. Monitoring and evaluation indicators should include disaggregated data and information based on gender, age, income, membership in customary communities, and jurisdictions.

More on this subject can be found in subchapter 6.3.3 on Monitoring and Evaluation of Just Transition Framework.