What is the role of JETP in advancing Indonesia's energy transition?
JETP is one of the financing alternative to support Indonesia's accelerated energy transition.
The focus of JETP is the power sector, whereas Indonesia's energy transition encompasses other sub sectors, including transportation, energy efficiency and industrial decarbonization.
JETP is conditional, whereby the implementation of the power sector roadmap in the Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP) is conditional upon the availability of financial and technical support from the International Partners Group (IPG).
The US$ 21.6 billion JETP financing identified in the CIPP can only cover a small portion of the JETP investment needs. The CIPP has calculated that, a total amount of US$ 97.3 billion would be needed to meet the JETP power sector pathway targets, a total amount of US$ 97.3 billion.
Further details regarding JETP's role in advancing national energy transition can be found in Chapter 2 of the CIPP.